Kirk Stafford

One for the managers and leaders – How to respond to that request for a salary increase…

My article last week on asking for a salary increase seems to have hit a couple of nerves, this is obviously a very sensitive area for all participants and the best forum to have conversations like this in is within a structured environment such as an annual performance review meeting where the objectives and achievements

One for the managers and leaders – How to respond to that request for a salary increase… Read More »

Let’s talk about the “R” word – Remuneration (Agency Directors, look away now)

I’ve had many discussions in the last few years, and more notably in the last month, with Property Managers who are being left behind in the income stakes and some who – quite frankly – have been taken advantage of by their directors in terms of their pay. The majority of Property Managers are underpaid

Let’s talk about the “R” word – Remuneration (Agency Directors, look away now) Read More »